Five Fingers

Five Fingers

R 2006 ‧ Thriller/Action ‧ 1h 27m

Five Fingers is a drama/thriller film directed by Laurence Malkin, and written by Chad Thumann and Malkin.Martijn (Ryan Phillippe), an idealistic Dutch pianist, arrives in Morocco to start a food asistance program for malnourished children. Shortly after his arrival, he is kidnapped by terrorists, who interrogate and torture him in an abandoned warehouse. To save his life, Martijn must convince the terrorist leader (Laurence Fishburne) that he is innocent of any wrongdoing and that his intentions are solely altruistic.
Initial release: July 6, 2006
Director: Laurence Malkin
Distributed by: Lionsgate, Lionsgate Films
Box office: $352,089
Production companies: 24fps Productions; Cinema Gypsy Productions; Element Films; Parabolic Pictures Inc

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