Ashram TV Serial is a popular Indian crime drama series that first premiered in 2020. Directed by Prakash Jha, the show gained significant attention for its gripping narrative, powerful performances, and its portrayal of controversial themes such as religion, politics, and power.
Plot Summary:
The show revolves around a selfstyled godman, Baba Nirala (played by Bobby Deol), who runs an ashram in a small town. He is portrayed as a charismatic leader who attracts a massive following of devoted people. However, as the story unfolds, it is revealed that Baba Nirala’s motives are not as pure as they seem. The series delves into the darker side of the ashram, where corruption, manipulation, and exploitation take center stage.
The narrative focuses on a series of complex characters, including the power struggles within the ashram and the police investigation that uncovers the truth behind Baba Nirala’s activities. Themes of spiritual exploitation, fake gurus, and the intersection of religion and politics are explored in depth.
Bobby Deol as Baba Nirala
Aaditi Pohankar as Pammi
Chandan Roy Sanyal as Bhopa Swami
Darshan Kumar as a police officer
Ashram has been praised for its compelling storytelling, with Bobby Deol’s performance standing out as a highlight. The show touches on sensitive issues surrounding blind faith and the exploitation of followers by socalled spiritual leaders. However, it has also faced some criticism for portraying controversial topics in a dramatic light.
Ashram is available for streaming on MX Player and has received multiple seasons due to its popularity, continuing to explore the complex world of power and faith.
Watch it on MX Player (available in sling)