check to make sure you are going to a right Doctor Choosing a physician is one of the most important health decisions you will make. And… August 31, 2018 in Health 0
Herbal medicine to reduce Diabetes,Cholesterol,Blood Pressure,arthritis and stay energetic Get powdered form of each ingredient below from local groceries or costco or you can… August 5, 2018 in Health 0
Alternative herbal medicine to reduce Cholesterol,Blood Pressure Garlic was used in ancient time as medicine and it is mentioned in many ancient… August 5, 2018 in Health 0
detox drinks Liver detoxification has become a determining factor for anyone who struggles with their weight or… May 18, 2018 in Health 0
some tips to avoid heart attack A chat with Dr. Devi Shetty, Narayana Hrudayalaya (Famous Heart Specialist) Bangalore, was arranged by… April 20, 2018 in Fitness 0
should you eat ghee sugar and rice *Rujuta Diwekar* is the highest paid *dietician* in India. She is the one who took… April 20, 2018 in Fitness 0
What Time Should You Sleep?? By James Pang Is there a best time to sleep? There is a saying that… April 2, 2018 in Health 0
give up sugar and start eating pure jaggery First sugar mill was established in India by the British in the year 1868. “Before… March 25, 2018 in Health 0
DIY conditioner/anti dandruff mask Apply yogurt mixed with 2 drops of coconut/castor/olive/vitamin e oil on your scalp… let it… February 24, 2018 in Health 0
vinegar to control diabetes For more than 2000 years, vinegar has been used to flavor and preserve foods, heal… January 23, 2018 in Fitness 0